Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Rx for Two

So, I decided to jump back into the fad of blogging. I say "back," because I had a blog before. It was followed for awhile, but then I felt that I was getting too personal, so I stopped. But now I'm back. I doubt that anyone will read this, doubt even more that what I have to say will matter, but I figured, I'm a female, newlywed, and a medical intern, and phooey, I need to rant.

My first issue is that I'm a newlywed. I love my husband. Dearly. But for anyone who ever thought that getting married and living with someone is all lovey-dovey, they are absolutely wrong. I did not live with my husband prior to marriage. All during our dating and engagement periods, he was sort of a nomad. Lived with his mother for awhile, had several different apartments, etc. All temporary. It was the nature of his job (self-employed, requiring travel), as well as wanting to be free to move for me (I was waiting to see where I would be going for my residency). No matter where he was, the place was always disorganized. How foolish of me to believe his excuse that "it's not home, it's only temporary, so I don't have time to organize." Oh, please. Now our home constantly looks in chaos, and I have been trying to figure out how to reign him in. Type A personality has met her match. I will win, however.